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Applying for a place in years 7-11

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Dane Court, as an ‘outstanding’ grammar school, is over-subscribed in most year groups and has a waiting list. The school requires prospective students to have passed an admissions test. Please read the following advice carefully before making an application to the school via the local education authority.

The latest admissions information for Dane Court

For information on the admissions process including the changes this year please see the Kent County Council website.

Please see our admissions arrangements for 2023/24 and the supplementary form

If you are interested in applying for a place in year 7 at Dane Court Grammar School please see the information below.

Year 6 Entry into Year 7 in September 2024

If your child has passed the Kent Test and would like to come to Dane Court, please put it down as your preferred choice on your Secondary Common Application Form (SCAF) to be submitted by 31 October 2023. Please see our  Admissions Policy including our admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria.

If your child has been in receipt of Free School Meals anytime in the last 6 years you should also complete a Supplementary Information Form and return it to the school office by 31 October. You will then be considered under the Pupil Premium oversubscription criteria.

You will receive your offer letter from Kent County Council on 1 March 2024 and if you are successful in gaining a place letters will be sent out by the school after 5 March 2024. If your child has passed the Kent test and you applied for but were not offered a place at Dane Court, please complete the Waiting List Request by 15 March 2024. If there are any places available these will be allocated to children on the waiting list from 25 April 2024 onwards. If a place does not become available your case can go to appeal (please see appeals sections below).

The waiting list is maintained in order of the school’s oversubscription criteria. Information about waiting lists and how to appeal will be sent to you on 1 March by Kent County Council when you are told the outcome of your secondary school application. You can appeal and/or request a place on the waiting list of more than one school.

If your child has not taken the Kent Test, please see the relevant section below.


If your child has not passed the Kent Test and you would like to appeal for a place at Dane Court, you can do this from 1 March 2024 onwards.

You must submit your appeal before for it to be considered from 22 June. Any appeals submitted after the deadline will be heard after timely appeals have been scheduled. This may not be until July/September.

Please see all relevant documents below including the link to the appeal form. You should upload all relevant information directly to the appeal form. Please do not send your appeal to the school.

To lodge an appeal and upload evidence please click this link or use the QR code below:

appeals evidence 2023

Year 6 to 7 Admission and the Kent Test from September 2022

What happens when?

Key Action Key Dates in Scheme
National closing date for applications 31 October 2024
National Offer Day 1 March 2024
Dane Court sends out welcome letters after 5 March 2024
Closing date for accepting/declining a school place 15 March 2024

Key points to note in order to gain a place at Dane Court:

  • Make sure your child takes the Kent Test in September
  • If your child has passed the Kent Test, you must put Dane Court as your preferred choice on the ‘Secondary Common Application Form’.
  • If your child has been in receipt of Free School Meals anytime in the last 6 years you should also complete a Supplementary Information Form and return it to the school office by 31 October.
  • If your child has not passed the Kent Test but you want to appeal for a place, you must put Dane Court on your ‘Secondary Common Application Form’, to allow you to lodge an appeal as early as possible.

It is important that you make sure that your child takes the Kent Test and that Dane Court is your preferred choice, if you would like a place at the school. The school cannot consider any applications to Dane Court without the child having taken the Kent Test. The ‘Secondary Common Application Form’ must be completed for entry to Dane Court Grammar School. This is part of a central admissions system organised by the education authority, not the school. They will be able to answer any questions regarding the admissions process as well as your child’s current primary school. We are delighted to answer any further queries you may have. Open days and evenings are held annually. Details of the Open Day and how it will run will be published on the website and on school social media channels, or available from the school office. Fliers are also sent to all the local primary schools.

Year 7 Lockdown Gallery
Kent Mountain Centre 2019
Sports day 2019